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Decision No. 409 of 2018 Regarding the Amendment of the Annex on the Categories of Goods Permitted for Importation by Importation Instruments

Published on

Council of Ministers,

After reviewing:

  • The Interim Constitutional Declaration and its amendments;
  • The Libyan Political Agreement signed on 17 December 2015;
  • The Financial System Law of the State and the Budget, Accounts, and Stores Regulation and their amendments;
  • Law No. 23 of 2010 on Commercial Activities, its executive regulations, and the decisions issued under its provisions;
  • Council of Ministers Decision No. 188 of 2012, issuing the executive regulations of Book Eight of Law No. 23 of 2010 on the provisions regulating export and import;
  • Presidential Council of the Government of National Accord Decision No. 4 of 2016 regarding the formation of the Government of National Accord;
  • Presidential Council of the Government of National Accord Decision No. 12 of 2016 regarding the delegation of duties;
  • The letter of the Minister of Economy and Industry, No. 105, dated 13 March 2018;
  • And in consideration of the public interest,

Decides the following:

Article 1

The annex on the categories of goods permitted for importation by importation instruments, as per the list attached to this decision, shall replace the annex of categories of goods attached to the Council of Ministers Decision No. 188 of 2012 referred to above.

Article 2

The Minister of Economy and Industry is authorized to add, merge, or amend new categories not mentioned in the annex attached to this decision, as required by the public interest.

Article 3

Entities concerned by this decision shall adjust their status in accordance with its provisions within three months from the date of its issuance.

Article 4

This decision shall come into force from the date of its issuance, and any provision that contradicts it shall be repealed. Competent authorities shall implement its provisions.

Presidential Council of the Government of National Accord
Issued on: 17 Rajab 1439 AH
Corresponding to: 3 April 2018

Annex to Presidential Council Decision No. 409 of 2018

Regarding the Regulation under the Executive Regulations of Book Eight of Law No. 23 of 2010 on Commercial Activities

1. Food Products
1.1Basic food items
1.3Canned food
1.4Nuts of all kinds
1.5Spices and condiments
1.6Beverages and juices
1.7Milk and dairy products
1.9Tea, coffee, and cocoa
1.10Eggs for consumption
2. Livestock and Meat
2.1Live cattle, sheep, and camels for slaughter
2.2Frozen and refrigerated meat (cattle, sheep, camels, poultry, fish)
2.3Live animals and birds for breeding
3.Pharmaceuticals & Medical Supplies
3.1Pharmaceuticals and medicinal herbs
3.2Medical preparations
3.3Maternal and childcare products
3.4Physical therapy equipment and supplies
4. Medical Equipment
4.1Medical laboratory equipment and supplies
4.2Special needs equipment
5. Clothing, Textiles, and Leather Goods
5.1All types of clothing
5.2Fabrics, textiles, carpets
5.3Shoes, bags, and leather products
5.4Sewing and embroidery machines and supplies
6. Furniture
6.1Office furniture
6.2Household furniture
6.4Other types of furniture
6.5Metal cabinets of all kinds
7. Cleaning Materials
7.1Soaps and bleaches of all kinds
7.2Disinfectants of various types and uses
7.3Household and rodent pesticides
8. Electrical & Non-Electrical Devices
8.1Refrigerators, freezers, washing machines, ovens, and similar appliances
8.2Air conditioning and heating equipment
8.3Restaurant, hotel, café, and bakery equipment
8.4Electric elevators
8.5Electrical wiring, switches, and lighting fixtures
8.6Electric generators and spare parts
8.7Other electrical accessories and supplies
9. Electronics & Accessories
9.1TVs, radios, audio-visual devices
9.2All types of telephones
9.3Cameras, photography equipment, and accessories
9.4Computers and accessories
9.5Watches, accessories, spare parts, and eyewear
9.6Scales, measuring devices, and telescopes
10. Transportation & Accessories
10.1Cargo and passenger vehicles
10.2Motorcycles, bicycles, marine vehicles
10.3Ships and all types of boats
10.4Spare parts, tires, and batteries
10.5Vehicle accessories, oils, lubricants, and paints
10.6Fire trucks, ambulances, and rescue vehicles
11. Heavy Machinery & Equipment
11.1Earthmoving, excavation, and compaction equipment
11.2Road paving and leveling machinery
11.3Stone crushers and accessories
11.4Cranes, industrial equipment, concrete mixers
11.5Heavy-duty pumps for various applications
12. Factory & Workshop Equipment
12.1Air compressors for various uses
12.3Welding, grinding, drilling, and pressing machines and accessories
12.4Carpentry machinery and accessories
12.5Metal and plastic industry equipment
12.6Occupational safety and security equipment
13. Agricultural Machinery & Supplies
13.1Seeding, plowing, harvesting, and baling machinery
13.2Animal, poultry, and cattle farming equipment and supplies
13.3Seeds, seedlings, and cuttings
13.4Pesticides, spraying machines, and tools
13.5Irrigation equipment and supplies
13.7Animal feeds of all types
13.8Veterinary medicines and vaccines
13.9Agricultural pumps
13.10Mills, presses, and accessories
13.11Light agricultural equipment
14. Marine Fishing Equipment
14.1Dredgers and fishing boats
14.2Fishing gear and supplies
14.3Dredger and boat engines and spare parts